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Legion of Mary 


The Legion of Mary was founded in Dublin Ireland on September 7th 1921 by Frank Duff and a dozen or so likeminded Catholics.  His early work in the church was conducted through the SVP as there was a lot of material poverty in Dublin at the time but he came to see that the people's spiritual poverty was even greater and so the Legion of Mary was established 'for the sanctification of its members' through meeting the public where they could be found, i.e. on the streets, and in their homes. Once contact was made he saw it as the Legionnaires  duty as baptised Catholics to introduce them to the person of Christ and His Holy Mother.

Today, from that small group of a dozen or so people has sprung an organisation that is over 10 million strong in over 120 countries of the world and is now in fact stronger in the developing world than in the west, where we are witnessing the decline in faith among our consumer oriented and secular society. In fact our society is in more urgent need than ever for faithful Catholics to be a witness for the faith and to be pro-active in evangelising our fellow citizens.


The commitment required from a Legionary is simple: attend a weekly meeting involving prayer, particularly the Holy Rosary, and discussion and planning of work to be done which may include house to house visitation, visiting the sick and housebound including old people's homes and hospitals, saying the Rosary in schools, crowd contact and night fever and supporting the parish in whatever way the Parish Priest wishes. The meeting should last just over an hour and the weekly work is for around two hours. We work in pairs so no one goes out on their own or is forced to do work they do not feel comfortable with, as it says in the bible "the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few".

Do you think you could spare three hours per week to do Gods work? Please give Michael O'Sullivan a call on 07769343899 if you have any questions you would like ask.

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