Churches Together in
Kings Heath (CtiKH)

We are a group of seven Christian Churches in Kings Heath who all agree on the Divinity of Jesus, the Trinity, the Resurrection and life after death. We respect the differences in how we worship, and the traditions we come from. We are united in acknowledging our love of God and his goodness to us. We try to work together when we can. It is a good way to get to know our Christian neighbours.
The committee consists of representatives from all the churches and meets about 6 times a year to plan events, such as Lent study groups, the Good Friday walk of witness, occasional joint ecumenical services, a Christian Theatre group and a couple of quizzes to raise funds to pay for theatre group and Public Indemnity Insurance. New committee members are always welcome.
The Lent Study Groups meet in people’s homes and/or church premises for 5 sessions to study the Scriptures. We often follow the York Courses, and the numbers attending average out at about 50 each year. Many long lasting friendships have been made over the years with other Christians in our area as we share the Love of Christ shown to us through his Word and the fellowship of those faithful to Him.
The Walk of Witness on Good Friday is the pinnacle of our activities each year. We start with a meditation service at the New Life Baptist Church (opposite ASDA), led by a different church from Churches Together in Kings Heath each year. After the service, we process silently led by a 12-foot cross carried by five or six of the congregation up the High Street to All Saints where we sing a hymn and say a prayer.
Other events to watch out for:
On a Saturday morning near Christmas, we have a service of carols outside the Baptist church opposite ASDA. The AGM is an occasion to socialise with a bring and share meal. Keep an eye on our Sunday Bulletin for announcements of events, you are welcome to join us when you can.
For more information, please contact John Van Lierop by email at